Where to start Your Fitness Journey

“Where to even fucking start?!”. This is a question many people ask themselves when first getting into fitness or just looking to live a healthier lifestyle. This is also the question that immediately overwhelms people and makes them quit before they even have started. So hopefully these tips help you continue on your journey.

  • Step 1. What is your goal? At first try and keep this super simple; it can change over time. Ex. losing weight or just starting to feel good in your own skin.

  • Step 2. Now what are you willing to spend on this goal? When you’re trying to figure out your budget for your goal are you willing to pay for a gym membership? Will you be comfortable at a gym? Are you willing to pay for stuff for a home gym? In this budget don’t forget to add in money for groceries.

  • Step 3. The hardest part or the easiest. If you are simply looking for a healthier lifestyle and you want to just see where that takes you, start in the kitchen. Try staying in more toeat and moving your body more! May that be walking, dancing, yoga, anything that will help get roughly 10,000 steps a day.

IF your goal is weight loss you need to be in a calorie deficit to achieve it. Figuring out your calories can be overwhelming, but there is a simple why to do it.

Take your goal weight X 12 = calories (please make this goal weight realistic)

Now the only other thing is your protein to build muscle and keep muscle your body needs this.

Take your goal weight X 1 = Protein need in grams

These are simple tools to use to help you. If doing all of this overwhelms you still get a coach! One that you vibe with. Getting a coach will take a lot off you, but be ready to pay for their knowledge, but it should be reasonable!

Yes, I can also help you too! My pdfs have a lot of information in them along with work out plans and my 6 week challenge are a cheaper way to get started without spending a lot but you get a ton of information.

Head on over to the shop to take a look at my “The Basic” package that helps people just like you take those first steps on their fitness journey!


Traveling with an 18-month-old alone and on a plane