Traveling with an 18-month-old alone and on a plane

At this point the kid is under two and still free! That is always a plus because you have a kid on your lap, they will leave the seat beside you empty.  

The Car seat flies FREE, check that in! I went ahead and got a car seat cover/carrier from amazon it made it a lot easier to carry it like a backpack until I got to the counter.  

Bring a Stroller! I know you don’t want to be that person but most of the big airports have a Stoller lane and it’s a lot faster and the people know not to rush you. Ask someone when you get to the airport if they have this. I know Alanta does have this lane in the main TSA.  

Bring food and a empty water bottle. Most food can go through TSA, a mom that I ran into at the Phoenix airport had Mac and cheese for her daughter! Bring their favorite foods, because if you don’t you will be spending an arm and a leg at the restaurants, if they have one.

Let them run around or walk around with them to help get their energy out before the flight. Some people might look at you and that is okay they will be happy when your baby is out and down for the count during the flight. Loading up, take advantage of loading before everyone. All airlines will let people traveling with small children board when they say anyone who needs extra time can start boarding.   

Download your kiddo favorite show onto your phone just in case before you get loaded up, not all flights have free Wi-Fi. Put your Diaper bag in front of you, don’t put it in the overhead bins. In this bag you also need to have an empty sippy cup, snacks, and one or two toys. Don’t forget headphones for yourself when or if they fall asleep.  

Now it’s take off time, you might want to bring suckers or a pacifier for their ears to pop. Kolton didn’t have this problem after he had tubes put in.   

If your little one starts getting fussy you can walk them up and down, the aisle if the seatbelt sign is not on. The most important thing is to give yourself grace and remember that you will get through this.


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