As a women & a busy mom, I fully want to help other moms and women be best they can be; mentally, physically and spiritually.

I believe in…

  • Education

    You wouldn’t build a house without throwing down a proper foundation and having a blue print, right? So why start working out without the proper foundations and form? It is so important to me that we do this the right way, the first time! I work to teach all my clients proper form to keep their bodies safe, healthy and operating at top notch levels.

  • Empowering & Uplifting women

    There is enough hate in this world. enough women hating on women. i am want to give every women the power to go into a gym and feel comfortable. i want to encourage new moms to get in the gym not only for the “me” time but to start building a community of like minded women. yes, we will have resting bitch face but most not all are sweet.

  • creating a safe space for you

    Most of us don’t know what we are doing when we start working out. Hell, I know I didn’t! When I first started going to the gym, it was so overwhelming. I didn’t use certain equipment because I was worried men would approach me to “correct” me. I’ll be here with you to help build your confidence so you know your workout is effective and proper!

  • feeling good over weighing in

    I’m gonna lay it out flat, I HATE weigh-ins. They are awful! They are mind fucking. They are inaccurate. Measurements and pictures are more effective in seeing progress WITHOUT weighing in. Photos and measurements will show you more changes in your body (toning and definition) when the scale stays the same.