Two vessel cord, how high risk it truly is, and why I fell into a deep depression
Typically, an umbilical cord has two arteries and one vein. However, some babies have just one artery and vein. This condition is known as a two-vessel cord diagnosis. The vein carries the oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus. The arteries carry the deoxygenated blood and the waste products from the fetus to the placenta.
This is found out at your anatomy scan around 20 weeks. I would also like to remind you that I had Kolton while Covid was going on mean all these doctors appointments I was alone. Once diagnosed the doctor explained what it basically was and sent me to a specialist.
Once I got to the specialist an hour away to confirm I did in fact have it. I was there explained how truly bad this could be. Babies that have this are at major risk for not growing properly…..
Then I had a ultrasound every other week to confirm his kidneys, heart, lungs and other major organs were there and growing. The weeks I didn’t see my specialist I went to my doctor. Once I was 30 weeks I had two appointments every week.
His fetal counts were low and his barely kicked, I had nightmares of him not being born alive…. I went to all this appointments alone. I cried in my Car alone, I didn’t want people to know how low I really was I stop posting. I didn’t take any pictures because if he didn’t make it I didn’t want those reminders.
Than I got COVID and my specialist recommended no more gym. The only thing I looked forward to the only time I felt normal was taken away from me. I was truly in a hole of being alone…. The joy of being pregnant felt more like I had failed at something I should have been easy for me. Felt like no one want to hear me cry about all this I kept it inside. I went to work and no one knew the pain I truly was in. I only wanted to have control of something.
Than Koltons birth story wasn’t easier with a emergency C-section. But thank God and only God he came out happy and healthy!
Please check in on your pregnant woman. It took me two years to say something because I wanted to forget it. I pull myself out of the depression because I knew Kolton needed me. But please check on your pregnant women! They might need you more than you know!